Catherine Browder

Awards, Etc.


  • "The Mannning Girl": Petrichor Prize from Regal House Publishing; Foreword Review Indies Gold Award for best Adult General Fiction. Thorpe Menn Award Finalist, 2024.
  • "Resurrection City": Spokane Prize for Short Fiction, Willow Springs Books; Hefner-Heitz Kansas Book Award; Thorpe Menn Award finalist; 2023 BBA Awards, finalist in Short Story.
  • Finalist, Glimmer Train, Fiction Open
  • Mighty River Fiction Award, Big Muddy: a Journal of the Mississippi River Valley, Vol. 14, 2014.
  • Missouri Writers Guild Fiction Awards: Best Book, Award Finalist in the Short Story
  • National Endowment for the Arts, Fiction Fellowship
  • Prairie Schooner, Readers' Choice Award Winner,
  • American Fiction, Number 1. Prizewinner. Birch Lane Press
  • Missouri Writers Biennial Award, Fiction Fellowship,
  • Kansas Quarterly, Seaton Award Winner for Fiction; Kq/kansas Arts Commission Award
  • New Play Project (Missouri Repertory Theatre, Junior League of Greater Kansas City, and the Umkc School of Education). Finalist for "Margaret Sanger Slept Here."
  • Artist in Residence, Johnson County Community College; Overland Park, Ks
  • Margo Jones Playwriting Award, Texas Woman's University, Denton, Tx, for a Measure of Trust
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L’autelXY: La revue de la nouvelle, no 136, « Eaux (-) fortes : métamorphoses de l’eau en Sagamie », hiver 2018, Montréal, Gaëtan Lévesque éditeur, pp. 79-88. Traduction française de la nouvelle de Catherine Browder, « The Altar », tirée de The Clay That Breathes, 1993, Minneapolis, Milkweed Editions, pp. 31-37,

Cerfs-Volants, XYZ : La revue de la nouvelle, no 138, « Vulnérabilité », printemps 2019, Montréal, Gaëtan Lévesque éditeur, pp. 77-84. Traduction française de la nouvelle de Catherine Browder, « Kites », tirée de The Clay That Breathes, 1993, Minneapolis, Milkweed Editions, pp. 59-64


"Departures." New Stories from the Midwest 2016, Ed. Lee Martin. New American Press, 2016.

"Cafe Deux Mondes." Ploughshares Solos Omnibus, Volume 3.  Ed. Ladette Randolph. Ploughshares/Emerson College, 2015.

"The Incident." Kansas City Noir. Ed. Steve Paul, Akashic Books. Ltd., October 2012.

"The Altar."  The Broken Bridge: Fiction from Expatriates in Literary Japan. Ed. Suzanne Kamata. Berkeley: Stone Bridge Press, 1997.

"A Lesson in Sounds." Exposures: Essays by Missouri Women. Ed. Sara Morgan. Kansas City, MO: Woods Press, 1997.

"Tigers." American Fiction, Number 1.  Ed. Michael C. White. New York: Birch Lane Press, 1990. Prize-winner.

"The Enterprise." Gardening the Skies, the Missouri Biennial Anthology. Springfield, MO: Southwest Missouri State University, 1988.