About Me
Catherine Browder is a published writer of fiction and nonfiction, produced playwright, editor, and classroom professional with extensive experience teaching fiction, both in the workshop and academic settings and English as a second language, here and abroad. She has lived in England, Taiwan and Japan, and several states of the US. As a result, she does not consider any one landscape "home."
Author of several books of short fiction and a new novel, winner of the Petrichor Prize and forthcoming from Regal House Publishing, she has held fiction fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts and Missouri Arts Council. Her award-winning stories have appeared in Kansas Quarterly, New Letters, Nimrod, Ploughshares, Prairie Schooner, Shenandoah, Kansas City Noir, and elsewhere. She facilitated "The Memory Project" at the Midwest Center for Holocaust Education, 2004-2008; taught in the creative writing program at the University of MIssouri-Kansas City; and was an advisory editor at New Letters magazine, where her book reviews have appeared.
Her newest book, "Resurrection City: Stories from the Disaster Zone," won the 2021 Spokane Prize from Willow Springs Books. The stories were inspired by a 2016 trip along the Tohoku Coast of Japan, still under heavy reconstruction following the devastating earthquake and tsunami of 3.11.
The "clash of cultures" is a recurring theme in her work.
She lives with her husband in the historic Northeast district of Kansas City, MO.